Monday, July 30, 2012

Lotus Flower Benefits

Lotus (Nelumbo Nelumbium Druce) included in the family Nymphaeaceae. Synonym of this plant is Nelumbiurn nuciferum, Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. = Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. = Nyrnphaea Nelumbo, Linn. And has local name: Padma, lotus, Terate, tarate, large lotus.

Chronic aquatic plants of this beautiful, native of mainland Asia. Cultivated in water and lotus ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the swamps. Rumbah water plants upright. Thick scaly rhizomes, growing creeper. Leaves and flowers come out directly from the rhizome attached to the mud at the bottom of the pool. Wide and rounded leaf blade, supported by a long stalk and spherical diameter from 0.5 to 1 cm, length of 75-150 cm. Leaves poking above the water, towering up like a shield. Waxy leaf surface; whitish green color, flat edge, the center slightly hollowed, the bones scattered leaves from the center towards the edges of leaves, diameter 30-50 cm. The flowers are fragrant, grows towering above the water surface with a long round and sturdy stems, flower stalk length of 75-200 cm. Flower diameter 15-25 cm, stamens many yellow anthers, petals wide, there is the ankle and there is a double with pink, white and yellow. Flowers bloom all day from morning till evening. After wilting petals bergugurn until finally left the base rate that would occur would be fruit, shaped like inverted cones with a flat surface and a kind of sponge with holes containing 15-30 seeds, the color is yellowish green, then green and finally dark brown, the center line of 6 - 11 cm. Seeds are round like a peanut, found in fruit pits shaped like a wasp nest. Old seeds blackish green color, age approximately 1 month after flowers bloom. The leaves are commonly used as packing materials, young rhizomes and seeds are edible.

Can parts used for the treatment of:

The entire plant including roots, leaves and stems, flowers and pollen, seeds and flowers such as buffer honeycomb / sponge (reseptacle), as well as the seeds sprout. The use of fresh or dried.
Lotus contains several different chemical constituents in every part. In the flowers contain lutiolin, isokuersitrin, quercetin, and kaempferol. Stamens contain alkaloids, isokersitrin, leteolin, quercetin and galuteolin. Buffers Swap: proteins, fats, carbohydrates carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin B1, B2, C and slightly nelumbin. Seeds: raffinosa starch-containing, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Sprout seeds: liensinin, isoliensinin, neferin, nuciferin, prouciferin, lotusina, methylcorypallin, demethylcoclaurine, geluteolin and hyperin. Rhizome: starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C, d-gallacotechol, neochlorogenik acid, leucocyanidin and peroxidation. Root: Tannates substances, and asparagine. Leaves: roemerin, nornuciferin. Petiole: roemerin, nornuciferin, resins, and substances Tannates.
Seeds: - Impaired absorption of food (malabsorbtion). - Diarrhea due to weakness, chronic intestinal inflammation (chronic enteritis),
- Dysentery.
- Vomiting.
- Vaginal discharge, bleeding in women.
- Wet Dreams (spermatorrhea).
- It's hard to sleep, a lot of dreams.
- Painful urination and cloudy.
- Fatigue is not excited (neurasthenia).
- Cancer nasopharynx.
Lotus seed sprouts:
- Fever, thirst.
- Heart palpitations, anxiety.
- Vomiting of blood.
- Premature ejaculation.
- Eyes red and swollen.
- Difficult to sleep (insomnia).
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
Sari Yarns:
- Evening out sperm (sperrnatorrhea).
- Vaginal discharge (leucorrhea).
- Bleeding such as vomiting blood, dysentery.
- Frequent urination.
- Unable to hold urine (enuresis).
Remptacle: - excessive uterine bleeding.
- Excessive menstrual blood.
- Bleeding during pregnancy.
- Discharge (lochia) is redundant after the birth.
- Lower abdominal pain due to blood clots.
- Dysentery, blood urine.
- Hemorrhoids, sore wet.
- Fever, thirst.
- Coughing up blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds.
- Dysentery, blood urine, high blood pressure.
- Heart disease.
- Disorders of the stomach.
- Lack of blood (anemia).
- Disorders of the menopause (menopause).
- Neurosis.
- Vomiting blood, nosebleeds.
- Urinary and red hot.
- Coughing up blood, dysentery.
- Fainting due to heat (heat stroke).
- Diarrhea due to heat or moisture.
- Dizziness, headache.
- Give - give.
- Bleeding such as nosebleeds, vomiting blood, blood dysentery.
- Bleeding in women.
Leaf base:
- Bloody dysentery, diarrhea.
- Babies in the womb is not quiet.
- Heat stroke, fainting. - Chest feels depressed because of hot or humid.
- Diarrhea, vomiting.
- Whitish.
- Hit (trauma).
- Bleeding.
- Inflammation of purulent skin (impetigo).
Wheat roots:
- Increases appetite.
- Body is weak and less blood.
- Diarrhea.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Frangipani Benefits

Frangipani (Plumeria rubra Acutifolia.) The origin of this plant from the tropics and Africa Amirika. These trees include ornamental plants, included in the family Apocynaceae. The flowers consist of several types including: white and red, or Japanese. The trunk of a hard woody stem height, reaching 6 feet, much branched, the main stem large, soft young branches, the stems tend bengkokdan bergatah. Another name for frangipani Plumeria acuminata, among others, Ait. P. acuminata, Roxb.P. acutifolia, Poir.P. alba, Blanco.P.obtusa, Lour. P. rubra, Linn, from acutifolia Woods. P. rubra, Linn. var. acutifolia (Poir) Bailey. A frangipani leaf green leaves, oval-shaped with both ends tapered and somewhat hard to leaf veins are prominent, often fall out especially when the blossom. While the flowers are trumpet-shaped, appearing at the ends of the stems, leaves flowers amounted to 5 pieces, flowering throughout the year. Frangipani plants can flourish in the soil to the low altitude of 700 meters above sea level, thrives almost everywhere and do not choose a particular climate for breeding. Local name of this plant are:
> <Cambodia (Indonesia),
> <Semboja (Java),
> <Flowers jebun (Bali);
> <Samoja, Kamoja (Sunda),
> <Flowers lomilate (Gorontalo);
> <Campaka molja / baskets (Madura),
> <Pandam (Minangkabau);
> <Karasuti, Kolosusu, Tintis (Minahasa),
> <Capaka stronghold (Tidore). S Tree Sap Cambodia (Plumeria acuminata) contain a type of rubber compounds, triterpenoid amyrin, lupeol, kautscuk and resin. Volatility of oil content consisting of geraniol, sitronellol, linallol, farnesol and fenetilalkohol.

Some properties of frangipani plants:

Treat skin inflammation. Way, take the sap from the stems of frangipani then mix with a few drops of coconut oil. Dab / rub on the affected skin inflammation.
Cathartic cure. Way, take a little frangipani sap then mix with 1/2 cup warm water. Drink this potion.
Washing the blood. Way, take a frangipani tree bark taste, then boil and take the water. Drink this mixture (bitter taste).
Closing cavities. Way, take a few drops of skin frangipani sap, then lumaskan on cotton, and used to cover dental cavities. Do 1 a day. Be careful not to hit that tooth decay is not

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rosella Flowers Benefits

The flowers are very tempting, many people who call it rosella flowers. The most rewarding part is the dried petals petals can be used to make syrup, jams, sweets, juice, salad, and pudding. In addition to tasty, various processed rosella has pharmacological effects that are complete enough.
Group of rosella flowers are dark red, thick, and juicy. The more intense red color, taste more acidic and of course also the greater usefulness. This plant is easy to grow, even in the village where I was raised this plant growing in the yard of the house made in ornamental plants.

According to the study, anti-oxidants contained in rosella tea is higher than the cat's whiskers that have been clinically proven able to break down kidney stones. Melelui study also found 51% anthocyanins and 24% anti-oxidant in a solution of 300 ml of water are brewed with dried rosella flowers. Anthocyanin in the rosella can inhibit and kill cancer cells or red blood leukemia.
Although the study of new preclinical testing in the laboratory, because there is no scientific evidence regarding the effect directly to humans. However, it has traditionally been a lot of people who take advantage of rosella flowers for high blood menurunka. If you drink regularly rosella flower infusion, the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension over time will disappear. The body becomes fitter and sleep soundly. rosella flowers use to lower high blood pressure have been tested clinically in Tehran, Iran.

All you need to remember, be careful when buying dried rosella flowers. Your relatively easy to find dried rosella flowers, even on the market tradisionalpun you can get it. Avoid consumption of dried rosella flowers have faded red color. Because maybe there is something wrong in the process of drying, packaging, or storage. Faded red color means dried rosella flowers fade properties are also present in it.

Keep your dried rosella flowers in a protected place, keep it away from direct sun contact. If it comes in contact with direct sun will make the anthocyanins degraded, because other than beneficial to the health antosianinlah makes red on Rosella flowers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jasmine Benefits

Jasmine (Jasminum sambac), including plants that have many benefits. Tiny flowers are white and fragrant. In any event jasmine is always there to 'liven up' the atmosphere. Both the smell and the appearance.

However teryata not only smells and looks very attractive, teryata flowers are often used as a symbol of chastity is useful for health. Although there is no fundamental research but has a lot of people who prove it, so in other words the use of these flowers as a healing agent on the basis of empirical experience alone.

Jasmine, into the kind of wet shrubs, can bloom throughout the year and can thrive in loose soil with a height of about 600 or 800 meters above sea level, but in any event to get enough sunlight. Jasmine can be cultivated by cuttings. New shoots will appear after the age of 6 weeks.

Jasmine has a heart-shaped leaves and a single shiny surface. Compound interest at the end of the shaft and found the armpit leaves, pure white trumpet-shaped. Consists of 8 or more leaves are scented flowers.

The term for this is Jasmine jasmine (English), Jasmin (France), Yasmin (Arabic), Jasmine (Indonesia), Melur (Java), Malati (Sunda) Malate (Madura), Menuh (Bali);

Jasmine compounds containing the chemical elements beneficial to the treatment. Chemical constituents that exist among others indol, benzyl, livalylacetaat.

Some illnesses can be treated with jasmine flowers:

Ulcer. Way, take a taste of jasmine flowers, wash, and dry. Make jasmine tea as much as 5 grains to one cup, brewed with hot water and add sugar. Drink 2 times a day.
Sore eyes. Way, take a taste of jasmine leaves, finely crushed, then add a little water. Piliskan on the forehead every day for a week.
Bee sting. Way, take a taste of jasmine flowers, and rub on the place stung by a bee to the flower destroyed. Repeat once more.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rose Benefits

This flower is often used to express the feeling of love. Besides a lot of hotels and nightspots make this a series or an ornamental flower in the corner or the front desk. Both the color and aroma of this flower is very exciting. Yes, roses are able to increase sexual arousal. In addition to flower color and attractive, interest is efficacious as a medicine.

Shrubs, including roses with thorny stems and round. Contains 300 constituents, but only about 100 constituents were detected benefits. Constituents such as vitamin C, B, E, K, tannin, geraniol, nerol, sitronelol, geranik acids, terpenes, flavonoids, pectin, polyphenols, carotenoids, vanillin, stearopten, farnesol, phenyletanol, eugenol, nonilaldehida, and feniletilalkohol.

Chemical properties of red roses has a warm and taste sweet, potent anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, aphrodisiac, refresher, bile secretion enhancer, tonic, menstrual regulator, expectorant, relieving swelling, and also cleaning toxins from the body system.

Besides roses can also be used for beauty treatments, especially for skin cleansers and toners, cleansers spots acne scars, ulcers, preventing wrinkles, or abscess.

In use for the treatment and beauty can be boiled or brewed roses (flowers). Basically all parts of the roses (flowers, roots, and leaves) can be used. Usually the leaves are used while still fresh, while the flowers and roots can be dried first.
Frequently used type of rose is a rose Bulgarian (rosa Damascene), maroccan or French type (rosa centifolia). However, local types of roses can also be used (rosa chinensis types jacg., Rosa Sinica L, and auctt.Non rosa indica L.)