Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rosella Flowers Benefits

The flowers are very tempting, many people who call it rosella flowers. The most rewarding part is the dried petals petals can be used to make syrup, jams, sweets, juice, salad, and pudding. In addition to tasty, various processed rosella has pharmacological effects that are complete enough.
Group of rosella flowers are dark red, thick, and juicy. The more intense red color, taste more acidic and of course also the greater usefulness. This plant is easy to grow, even in the village where I was raised this plant growing in the yard of the house made in ornamental plants.

According to the study, anti-oxidants contained in rosella tea is higher than the cat's whiskers that have been clinically proven able to break down kidney stones. Melelui study also found 51% anthocyanins and 24% anti-oxidant in a solution of 300 ml of water are brewed with dried rosella flowers. Anthocyanin in the rosella can inhibit and kill cancer cells or red blood leukemia.
Although the study of new preclinical testing in the laboratory, because there is no scientific evidence regarding the effect directly to humans. However, it has traditionally been a lot of people who take advantage of rosella flowers for high blood menurunka. If you drink regularly rosella flower infusion, the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension over time will disappear. The body becomes fitter and sleep soundly. rosella flowers use to lower high blood pressure have been tested clinically in Tehran, Iran.

All you need to remember, be careful when buying dried rosella flowers. Your relatively easy to find dried rosella flowers, even on the market tradisionalpun you can get it. Avoid consumption of dried rosella flowers have faded red color. Because maybe there is something wrong in the process of drying, packaging, or storage. Faded red color means dried rosella flowers fade properties are also present in it.

Keep your dried rosella flowers in a protected place, keep it away from direct sun contact. If it comes in contact with direct sun will make the anthocyanins degraded, because other than beneficial to the health antosianinlah makes red on Rosella flowers.

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